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shanealexander (shanealexander) wrote,

Updates on current happenings.

The amount of support ive gotten from people is overwhelming and I have no doubt now that I have done the right thing after so many have shared their same or similar stories.

The only problem is,that only a few other people are willing to talk to the police and only one other person has gone public about their experiences so far.....This makes it very hard to prove anything,especially because most of them are out of state and many of these issues happened at conventions and gatherings all over as he traveled abroad.

I have also been told that Kamo is now going around pressuring anyone that will make a written statement against me and building his defense,and is relying on my mental health issues and history to clear him.
Now I completely respect and understand peoples decisions but the way its looking right now,NOTHING will be done about him unless more people file reports and come out publicly.
Even with all the emails,messages and texts I have from over the years its not physical evidence that can really be used against him for this case to go anywhere because I have no pictures or videos or physical proof of the things he did other than admissions made a long time ago.
And it really sucks,but this is how the court of law works here.

I also need help with anyone that knows Bad dragons actual current physical address,or Kamos current address so he can be served.
He has done a very good job of hiding any and all information on the company since their last move,and has also moved his residence since the last time I knew where he lived and done a very good job at hiding that as well.
This information is not for me,and I don't want it for anything other than him being served and will give you the name and number of the detective here to give it to him if you don't want to give it to me or you don't trust me with that information.

Im begging and pleading with all of you that have come to me,and also the ones that have just watched this unravel to go to the police and file a report no matter how long ago it was....even if it was someone different than Kamo,please do it.
I will help you if you don't know how.
Filing a report and exposing their behavior publicly is the only way they will be stopped and shown to everyone who they actually are.....even if theres not enough physical evidence to have him prosecuted,your story is needed to help stop the amount of ppl he misleads,uses and assaults by showing who he actually is.
Especially if you are in Arizona,the incident happened in the past few years,or are a current or former employee of Bad Dragon we really and desperately need your help.

Please,please,please help and come forward if you can and have information......even if you wont go to the police,please talk about what happened in the open to give other people courage to know their not alone and im not just making all of this up.
This is the only way this kind of stuff ends in our fandom....please help.

Thank you for reading,
March 31 2015, 16:46:38 UTC 1 month ago
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