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shanealexander (shanealexander) wrote,

Done with Bad Dragon and Kamo

Heres your update.

Kamo wins.
Looks like he gets away with it all and I for now have to step aside from all of this to preserve whats left of my sanity and to move forward in other aspects of my life.

Basically,my case is far to old to be taken seriously without others also coming forward and anyone that can actually make a difference is either to scared to come forward or is protecting Kamo for the sake of His mate Wolfie or other Bad dragon employees.

Its pretty disgusting and cowardly imo but thats on the backs of every single person that is protecting him it and not mine.
Karma eventually catches up with everyone one way or another.

In addition to that,all the other people that said they would also come forward have either run into roadblocks,flaked,or backed out under the pressure.

Thank you for the people who did try to help in their own limited capacity.

However theirs nothing more that I can do or tell you about this situation right now.

I'm truly sorry to the individuals who came to me looking as I was their light and the one who could help them with this,but now that im in it im sorry to say that emotionally I just cant do it anymore and its taken far to much out of me because I have no real help with any of it other than words threw texts,messages and emails and unfortunately words don't get things done,only actions do.

Anyone else willing to pick up that torch is more than welcome to it,I got nothing left.
April 27 2015, 02:32:23 UTC 2 weeks ago
You tried your hardest to fight back and speak out. That is commendable no matter the outcome.

The fact that your story is out there denies him total and complete victory. He has not silenced you, and if that's the best result you can wrangle from this you're doing better than a lot of victims out there.

Content Server: USA Cache - provided by Bad Dragon.

May 11 2015, 15:51:00 UTC 2 days ago
I can't believe this shit...... Just posted it on Inkbunny, along with a hard question to the fur in charge.....

"Considering the last journal that I posted, you might see why I could be a little upset about what I now see at the bottom of every page on this site. I can't properly express my feelings of shock and sadness. I have loyalties to friends and ideals that go beyond websites and furry porn. This is like Groundhog Day for me.... I don't know where else to go. But if this persists, gone I will be. Remember, pity the artists who can't make these choices."
I didn't know BD had anything to do with that.
As all of this went on and ppl sent me stuff and things unfolded it made me pretty disgusted with the entire lot of them.
The entire co needs to just go away imo.
I agree. It's all being corpritised along with all the corruption that involves. And it's something which started off as the complete opposite. As my mate told me last night, at least we have our own ideals and friends. We aren't reliant on websites and corporations in the end. That gave me some hope at least...
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